The Quarter Life Lessons (so far)
Quarter Life Lessons
1. Release all doubts and follow your gut
2. Start from 0 when reevaluating your life (beliefs, perspectives, relationships, career, etc.)
3. Listen to your inner child's wishes and follow it
4. Don't chase happiness nor peace, just be present in each moment
5. Emotions are signals from the body, telling you what it needs, but as adults, it's our duty to regulate them
6. The only thing constant is change. Let go of control in all aspects of life
7. Put faith above fear at all times, practice gratitude when dealing with both the good and bad, and watch the good get magnified
8. Sometimes it's better to be quiet and still
9. Having hobbies improve quality of life a great deal
10. Nobody is perfect. Forgive yourself. Forgive the people around you. People will make mistakes, including you. Address it, and then move on
11. Having strong boundaries doesn't mean you don't value others; it means you have a strong sense of self-respect, self-worth, and self-compassion. Having strong boundaries means you prioritize being 100% present when you put yourself out there and interact with the people you value
12. Introspection is a valuable time to retreat and reflect. This is where growth happens. Make time for it and learn from it
13. Speak positivity around people as much as possible. The world doesn't get better when we complain nor gossip
14. Ask for help when you need it. There's no shame in that
15. Open your heart. Choose love. Give people grace. Have compassion
16. Don't forget to have fun! Life is short. Be authentic. Laugh at silly things. Be goofy. Be weird. Life becomes more colorful this way
17. Do not persecute yourself on a past version of you that you loathe. You did the best you could at the time. Learn from it, grow from it, and do better next time
18. Stay in your lane. Life is not a competition. Choose to be inspired by people around you
19. Get adequate movement, nutrition and rest. A good mind is only possible when we take care of our body
20. Focus on the fundamentals. Most of the time, the "basic", "ancient" or "old-fashioned" are actually the right things
21. Make time for family
22. Explore and try new things
23. Travel the world
24. Respect diversity
25. Take things one step at a time
Good luck,
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